Friday, March 6, 2009

Eat Snow!

This past Sunday we got some snow. While everyone was excited about it I was not (Cold + wet = not a very happy mama!) But I also knew that this might just be the last snowfall we will get to to play in for a very long time as we are headed back to Hawaii this summer.

Sunday afternoon the snow started.

By midnight it was looking like this:

When I woke up I have to admit - it was beautiful outside.

Unfortunately for me the girls were ready to go out almost immediately. While getting them dressed I was quickly reminded of just how long it takes to get everyone bundled up. By the time both girls were dressed I was ready for a nap! But in the end it was worth it - the girls had a lot of fun.

Okay, maybe it wasn't fun the whole time. This is exactly how I felt:

While in the snow I remembered my father telling me about his mom making "snow cream" for him and his brothers when they were kids. I thought I'd try it out. Here's the recipe:

Snow Cream
1/2 cup milk
1T sugar
2-3 drops of vanilla
1-3 cups clean snow (like I really needed to put "clean" lol)

Mix the first three ingredients together. Slowly add snow to desired consistency.

Ours ended up being more like a drink - I used two cups of snow. I think it would've been much better if eaten like shaved ice. I just didn't want to go back out into the snow to get more!


  1. i LOVE snow cream! i will def send you some of those bandana bibs. e-mail me an addy to send them!


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