Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feeling the Rewards.....

I've barely gotten started with the "1000 Bibs & Blankets" project but I already feel rewarded. First of all so many people have come forward to help out. My friends, friends of friends, and even newly acquired friends that I have never met in person but who share the desire to help in a crafty way. Thank you to all of you.

So far one of the biggest highlights for me has been the reaction of my six year old daughter, Kailani. I told her about this project and why I wanted to do it. She had no idea what an orphanage was so I did my best to tell her. I could see the wheels turning in her head as she was trying to process all of the information - that there are kids out there with no mom and dad? We then talked about some of the things that we have as a family, tangible and untangible and how blessed we are to have what we have. Her response to this project? "Mom, I want to learn how to sew so I can make bibs too." It was quite an enlightening moment. I was so touched that my daughter wants to be a part of this too. While I haven't taught her how to sew I will try to incorporate her help in any way that I can. Tonight I asked her to draw a picture. Here is what she drew:

They are supposed to be bibs hanging on a laundry line. Of course she had to include cute little animals. lol


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