Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monsters for My Little Monsters

My sewing "want-to-do" list is growing longer day by day. I say "want to do" versus "to do" because in reality there is no way I could possibly make everything that I want! Everyday I am inspired to try something new and I love it.

Yesterday I came across the cutest little monsters. They are called "RevoluzZzionary Monsters". They just made me smile! And just my luck, a tutorial was provided on how to make them! So today I went through my stash and made two of them, one for each of my girls. They aren't perfect - but that's okay. Kailani fell in love with her monster and wants to take it to show-and-tell tomorrow. If that's not the biggest compliment I don't know what is. Trying to impress a 6-year old is tough. :)


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