Monday, March 16, 2009

St. Patrick's Day - Tomorrow!

St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow! Whoo-hoo! I love the holidays although I don't celebrate as much as I would like. However, I've got the crafting itch so I thought I'd try to do more this year than just send my kid to school wearing green.

A couple of weeks ago I found some cute shamrock fabric. I went ahead and bought it without knowing what I was going to make. I decided to make Kailani an outfit to wear to school but it turns out the kids are supposed to wear their green field trip t-shirts on St. Patty's day. *Sigh* So much for making a cute dress. So I thought I'd make her a skirt. Well goshdarnit, she has P.E. tomorrow. Not only that I totally procrastinated and now I don't have a whole lot of time to make anything time consuming. Besides, the fabric screams "St. Patrick's Day" so there is a good chance she's only going to wear whatever I make once.

Well, the weather is expected to be unexpectedly warm tomorrow. In the 70's (go figure). So a skirt with shorts/legging underneath might not be too bad. I recalled a twirly skirt tutorial that I followed a year and a half ago from House On Hillroad. It's a simple pattern with step-by-step instructions and pictures to go along with it. For Kailani's 5th birthday party the theme was tigers - I ended up making about 10 twirly tiger skirts for the party guests. Here's a picture from that special day.

And here is the skirt that I finished this morning. I bypassed the instructions to make a tie and just used the elastic. In all honesty with no distractions I probably could have made it in an hour. But since I have a two year old....well....need I explain?

I'll take an action shot tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is adorable and the fabric is perfect...shouldn't surprise me thought because you always make her the cutest outfits.


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