Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hippity Hop....No...It's a Flop

Easter is around the corner! I'm so not ready! I want to make some bunny hats, Easter cards and dresses but I'm so behind! But thinking of Easter reminded me of some cupcakes that I made several years back:

YIKES! I just realized the photo says "2004". That was a long time ago....

Anyways. These little Peep cupcakes were really easy to make (and were quite the hit at the party!) You could probably wing it without instructions, however, if you would like them please let me know and I'll post the recipe.

Speaking of winging it:

Okay. I desperately need to go grocery shopping. We're down to the bare bones. I was half tempted to feed my kids cereal tonight except for the fact that we already had "breakfast for dinner" (pancakes) this week!

Yesterday while at the doctor's office I actually had a minute to sit down and flip through a magazine. I couldn't put down this month's issue of "Parents." I was half tempted to shove the magazine in my diaper bag but instead made a mental note to go out and buy one. Easier said than done. Couldn't find it anywhere! I really wanted to make the breadstick snails but couldn't remember what the instructions said to do. And of course I couldn't find the recipe online until after the fact... so I winged it.


My snails didn't quite look like snails. But they kinda looked like bunnies! Perfect! Easter is around the corner. I put some cut up cheese sticks onto some toothpicks, molded a cheese tail and ta-da! We have a bunny! (So I hoped it would pass as one!) Nope.

I know, I know...there is so much I could've done to make it look better but trust me, my cupboards are bare and creativity is lacking!

Here is what it is supposed to look like (picture courtesy of "Parent" Magazine):

*Sigh* Okay. So I doubled the dough for each snail; didn't use any pesto (kids probably wouldn't eat it anyways!) and rolled the little buggers up the opposite way. Oh well. At least the kiddos chowed them down. That's what truly counts, right?


  1. The snails are so cute! I bet C and M would love these...I will have to copy you and make the peep nests too for Easter, they'll get a huge kick out of them...thanks girly!!

  2. Steph - the original recipe calls for coconut (using food coloring to color the coconut) but since a lot of kiddos don't like coconut I've also colored vanilla frosting, frosted the cupcakes then used the ends of a fork to "tap" the frosting to give it the appearance of grass. :)

    PS Like you really have time to bake anything before Easter. lol


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