Monday, April 20, 2009

I Love You *THIS* Much!

Many moons ago I was a member of "The MOM'S Club" (Moms offering Moms Support) in Hawaii. One of the volunteer positions I took on was being the coordinator for "Art in the Park." Once a month I would organize a simple and quick mommy-and-me craft to do with our kids.

I happened to notice on my father's refrigerator one that Kailani did for him nearly three years ago:

On the inside is written, "I love you THIS much":

When you pull the hands out the length of the ribbon it is the same length as when your kiddos stretch their arms out to show you how much they love you. Isn't that sweet?

With Mother's Day coming up I thought this might be a good project to share with everyone. I can't be for certain but I believe I got the idea from Family Fun magazine. Obviously it can be done for anyone at any time of the year. Kailani decided to make one for daddy since daddy is away right now.

Here are the supplies you will need:

1) construction paper or card stock
2) yarn or ribbon
3) markers, crayons, pencils, etc.
4) other types of crafts to decorate such as stickers, Foamies, stamps, pom poms, buttons, glitter glue, etc.
5) scissors
6) glue or tape
7) hole puncher (optional)

Kailani will now show you how it's done. :)

1) First thing you have to do is trace both hands (older kids can trace their own.) If you have a wiggle worm who is not going to sit still for you long enough to trace both hands then trace one and cut out two copies.

2) Cut out the hands. (If you can handle seeing mistakes or uneven cuts go ahead and let your older kiddo cut it themselves. I was itching to take over the cutting but I resisted. It was hard, but I did it. GOOOOO me!)

3. Optional - punch a small hole in the palm of each hand. This is where you will thread the ribbon. If you don't want to punch a hole you can always use tape later.

4. Write "I love you THIS much" on the inside of the hands. You can write a little on each hand or write it all on one.

4. Decorate both hands, inside and out with stickers, stamps, pom poms, etc. Kailani cut out a heart from different colored card stock and wrote "To Daddy" on one and "From Kailani" on the other. If you do this don't paste it on just yet!

5. Using yarn or ribbon measure out your kiddos outstretched hands and cut.

6. Thread ribbon through the holes and tape on the outside.

8. Tape/glue the "to" and "from" hearts over the taped ribbon. Finish decorating.

That's it!

Inside of hands:

Outside of hands:


  1. That is brilliant! I love this idea, and I just happen to have a few rolls of ribbon lying around here. I think my daughter will be making this for her daddy for his birthday in a few weeks!

    Thank you for posting this idea.

  2. Oh! That is so cute! My kids would just loving pulling out that yarn and measuring their "hug" in that way. What a fun idea!

  3. This is so sweet and what a great surprise for daddy when he gets it in the mail!

  4. I love this idea, I think this is going to be our father's day cards...if I can wait that long ;)

  5. Thanks everyone! If you make one take a pic! There's so much more that could've been done to it but we are working with limited craft supplies at the moment! :)

  6. I love this! great mothers day idea....instead of a card maybe!

  7. This is a wonderful idea! Can't wait to do many crafts with my son down the road. He just turned one, and he's just starting to draw. Handmade crafts sure are priceless. Thanks for sharing!

    BTW... I found you on

  8. Eco-friendly Mommy....thanks for stopping by! Your son is going to have tons of fun crafting with you! :)


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