Friday, April 10, 2009


Whoo-hoo! I won a giveaway! What did I win? The Zojirushi Mini Bento from Firefly Shop! Here's a picture of it, courtesy of the Zojirushi website:

Now as I stand at the podium and accept this gracious gift I will share with you my speech....

*Fumble in my pocket for my speech*

"Thank you, thank you! Oh my gosh, I don't know what to say. I was not expecting to win. There were so many other well-deserving people that should've received this mini bento....which makes me that much more grateful to have won....."

"I'd like to thank Zojirushi and Firefly Shop for an awesome gift! And I can't forget my friend Stephanie over at A Pocket Full of Buttons for clueing me in on such a great giveaway! And thank you to all that did not enter...which only helped increase my chances of winning such a fabulous prize."



  1. Your welcome, but I don't like you right now...haha just kidding. I love ya, but just a little jealous :)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I have to admit. I was totally drooling over the mini bento. They're awesome!

    So glad an awesome blogger like you scored them :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment!