Monday, April 6, 2009

We've Got Wild Rabbits on the Loose!

Last month I mentioned discovering The Purl Bee. I finally made the bunny hat and it turned out so cute! I ended up making one for each of my girls and then another for my one year old nephew. Like with most projects the first one took me a bit longer but the next two took no time at all.

The tutorial was easy to follow. The only thing I did differently was use plain flannel and I made my own ties (versus using ribbon). After making the 2nd hat I then understood why ribbon might be better. Making the ties (stitching right sides together then turning it right side out) drove me insane. I popped my chopstick through the fabric ummm....let's just say way too many times!

Also - the pattern is made to fit an average three year old. I have to agree. My youngest is two and it fits her perfectly. And she's (was) a chunk! The hat actually fits my oldest (who is six) but I thought it would look better bigger. So I winged it. It's way too big for her but she doesn't care.
I tried getting a decent picture but my kids are like wild rabbits. Even more so when they have bunny ears on. Couldn't get them to stay still for a minute!

Mo trying on her cousin's hat for size.
Notice the ribbon - I hope it's not too girly for my nephew!

ETA: Kailani wanted me to title this thread "We've Got Wild Rabbits on the Loose!" So I must give credit to her! :)


  1. Aack! Those bunnies are so, so cute!!!! What fun pictures!

  2. Those are adorable! Thank you so much for the link to the tutorial. You did a fabulous job :)


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