Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Adorable Blog Award

Last week (yikes) Steph at A Pocket Full of Buttons crowned me with "The Adorable Blog" award. She swears it's not because we're friends. ;) Thanks Steph!

The Rules are as follows:

Include the award logo in your blog or post.
Nominate as many blogs which you like.
Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

I now pass this award on to:

Homemade by Jill
I first found her site when looking for bib tutorials to post on my blog for my donation drive. Check out her "Quiet Time" book. It is unfreakingbelievable!

4 Crazy Kings:
I recently found her site and just LOVE the crafts that she does with her kids! I just went ga-ga over her stationary set!

Can you say talented? I remember when she was figuring out what to name her business and now her business has boomed! How a mother of four does it I have no idea!

The How-to-Gal
Talk about turning something ordinary into something fabulous! I don't know how she does it. She should have her own tv show!

No Appropriate Behavior
Want a refreshing-no-holds-barred kind of blog? You'll find it here! This mama tells it like it is and boy can she write! Boogers, pimples and're gonna love it! I wish she would blog everyday!

A Maui Blog
Whenever I'm feeling a bit homesick I like to hop over here. I love how she captures the beauty of Maui in her writings and her pictures! If you've ever been to Maui or dream to go there one day check out her blog!

PS - The rules do not state you have to write a summary about the recipients of the award but I really wanted to. I think these blogs ROCK! :)


  1. Oh thank you so much Sharon! I am so honored and so glad you like A Maui Blog. I love Maui and love sharing about it to everyone.

    I do agree with your friend that your blog is adorable and I am glad to discover it.

    I will work on a post to pass this on. Aloha!

  2. Sharon, Thank You so much! I am truly touched. About the English muffins...I don't think they would be as yummy if they had to travel all the way to Hawaii in a box. However, I would be happy to hand deliver them to you...wink wink! Thank you so much for the sweet comments on my blog. It's like my 5th child, it needs to be loved, cared for, fed and changed...except it doesn't give me any attitude : )!

  3. Hi Sharon! Was out of town yesterday. Thank you so much for my award! I will proudly display it on my side bar. FYI: I sent out your cards today! Hope you like them :-)

  4. A huge congratulations on this well deserved award!

  5. Oh I love Homemade by Jill, I started reading her way before I started blogging on my own. Her's is a great site and you know I already love Kim at Four Crazy Kings. Have to check out the others, especially the one about Maui. We went there on our "honeymoon" in quotes because it was long after the fact, and we couldn't get enough of those Maui Tacos.

  6. Ladies - you are very welcome. You have all inspired me in many ways!

    Sandy - you may have missed it but I crowned you with an award earlier in the month. You may have been on vacation! So happy you had a great time....but am selfishly happy that you are back!

    Kim - I am waiting at the mailbox! :D

    Katie - MAUI TACOS!!!!

  7. you deserve this award, your blog is adorable :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment!