Saturday, May 16, 2009

Another Doll for Craft Hope

Last week I was so busy preparing for a yard sale that I thought I missed the deadline to turn in my doll to Craft Hope. I went into a total panic! After a frantic email promising to send my doll Priority Shipping the next day I received a friendly email reminding me that the deadline wasn't until June 13th. For some reason I had May stuck in my head. What was I thinking? I even have it posted here on my blog that the deadline is in June. I guess I either need more sleep or more coffee!

Relieved that I didn't miss the deadline I decided to make one more doll. This one is made with Hello Kitty fabric. After all, who doesn't like Hello Kitty?

If you get the chance check out some of the other dolls that have been handmade for Craft Hope. Each and every one of them is unique! It is really inspirational to see all the different dolls made by so many different craftsters! Click here to view them!


  1. Can I just tell you that your new profile pic totally confused me at first! I was like, who is that?! Ha, but I do love that you included the kiddos in it too.

    How is the moving going? Haven't heard about that in a while, but I need to catch up on posts so maybe it's there and I haven't gotten to it yet!

    Love the new dolls, my daughter would be wild over the Hello Kitty so whoever ends up with it, will love it. I am sure.

    BTW: My sewing skills are so beginner that I can't even begin to image making a doll, bib, etc. but I wanted you to know I think what you're doing is wonderful.

  2. Hey Katie!

    You haven't missed anything about the move. I haven't posted much about it because if I post it then I have to "own it" and that means I gotta get "on it!!!" So much to do!

    Thanks for the compliments on the project I am doing. You may think you are only a beginner at sewing but sheesh, woman. Look at all the other stuff you do! Wish I had an ounce of your craftiness! AWESOME!


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