Friday, May 29, 2009

Drop Dead Deadline for Bibs & Blankets!

This Sunday is May 31st - the deadline I had posted for the bibs, blankets, etc. for donation to the Barium Springs Home for Children. I don't have the words to express my appreciation to all of you that have already donated items!

I realize that the deadline may have crept up on some of you but don't panic!


I will be packing up and moving a few days after that! That gives everyone that still wants to participate about three weeks and a couple of days to make your bibs, blankets, etc. and get them in to me! Thank you so much!

Since I have a some new followers let me just give you a brief explanation of what is going on in case you might want to help!

My girls and I have been temporarily living in N.C. with my father since Christmas. We moved here from Virginia and are actually on our way back to my home state of Hawaii in just a couple of weeks. While living here I wanted to give something back to this community. Since I love to sew I decided to do a collection drive of homemade bibs, blankets, etc. for The Barium Springs Home for Children which is located a short drive from where I live. My goal was to donate 1000 (yes, I said a thousand!) bibs and blankets.

Without friends nearby I knew I was either going to have to do this on my own or enlist some help. I did a "shout-out" on my blog, Craftster, and Facebook asking fellow lover-of-crafts to help out. To my surprise people volunteered! A few friends and even more strangers! I have truly been blessed and touched by the contributions and support that I have received from people that I don't even know!

Now, do I think that I will reach my goal of 1000 bibs and blankets? No. I admit, I was beating myself up about it recently - that I didn't work hard enough to get the word out; that I made an unrealistic goal, etc. But you know what? I may not have 1000 bibs and blankets to give but I have so much more thanks to everyone's help! And the help continues to come. I received an email today saying some bibs are on the way!

So if you'd like to help you still have time! You can leave a comment on my blog or send me an email at SHARKritzler(at)AOL(dot)com. I can then send you my mailing address.

If you'd like to see some of the beautiful things people have already sent in check out the pictures on the right side of my blog. I also have links to tutorials for bibs and blankets but please don't feel these are the only things I am accepting! While it started off as a handmade drive I have had many people donate other items that the home has on their needs list. As long as the items are in clean and working condition the home will take it.

Thank you again for your help! It warms my heart and will do even more for the kids and families that will receive it!

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