Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shout Out to ABC & 123


Have you heard of ABC & 123? It's a wonderful blog run by two Katies: Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot and Katie from A List Maker's Life. Together they have created a blog that features lesson plans, crafts, and educational resources for moms and teachers alike! They are full of ideas to help make learning fun!

In addition to finding lesson plans you can also submit your own. Awhile back they asked for lessons using handprints. I sent my
"I Love You This Much" lesson and they posted it on their blog! How cool is that? Katie and Katie's website has been a great resource for me to find new things to do with my girls. In doing so it has also sparked an interest in me teaching again! So thank you ladies!

By the way, one of my girlfriends did the "I Love You This Much" activity with her daughter and made a handprint hug for grandma. Grandma apparently loved it! I'm glad they had fun and I certainly appreciate the feedback! Send a picture if you can!

ETA: She blogged about it! Check it out here!


  1. The Katie's rock! I am a big fan also.

  2. Sharon~
    Thanks so much for your kind words! We really appreciate you taking the time to give us a shout out on your blog.
    Enjoy your day!

  3. Thanks for the shout out, it was wonderful to share it! I especially love featuring friends! I know we shouldn't show favoritism or anything, but what the heck it IS our blog!

    Be checking in for some excitment this week, with a big announcement!


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