Friday, June 12, 2009

Bibs from Kim

From Kim - Ontario, Canada

Look what sweet things arrived in the mail today? Kim from Ontario, Canada sent twelve handmade bibs to donate to the Barium Springs Home for Children! Some small, some large....but all are super cute and super soft! Kim, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for sharing your talent and being so generous in sending so many bibs!

On that note - we are getting close to the deadline for sending in bibs and/or blankets. Remember, Monday, June 22nd is the final deadline! Several people have been in contact with me and will be sending in items to donate. I'm looking forward to receiving items from Virginia, California and Hawaii! I'll let you know when they arrive. Thanks everyone!


  1. YAY More bibs! I'm mailing mine out Monday!!!

  2. Wow! You are getting some wonderful donations! I really wish I were crafty enough to make something to send you.

  3. Very nice! Just browsing blogs and found yours so stopping by to say hello :O)


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