Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's Tuesday and I Can't Wait.....

Every Tuesday I noticed that Stephanie from MooBear Designs had a blog entry called, "It's Tuesday and I can't wait." She would post about things that she is looking forward to. I've been meaning to join in but haven't until today! With our big move less than two weeks away I can't say that I will be consistent but I am going to try! Here is my first entry:

ETA: (edited to add) I actually wrote this list this morning but saved it as a draft. Now it is almost 6:00 pm.......

It's Tuesday and I can't wait....

*until I have a confirmed date for packers/movers to come and get our stuff! (Worked on this this afternoon and still no confirmation!)

*to be done with Kailani's school physical this morning (already lots of crying and tears for fear of a shot. One TB test and one chicken pox vaccine. Total drama!) DONE!

*for this Saturday's garage sale to be OVER!

For more Tuesday I can't wait action stop by Buttons for Lou Lou!
(Fab blog, by the way!)


  1. I know that wasn't meant to be funny - but you crack me up!

    Deep breathes! A rainbow in Hawaii is almost in your sites.

  2. Poor K, don't worry momma Tuesday is almost over ;)

  3. Love the name of your blog - I can totally relate! I am about to move house too - still trying to ignore it - yuck!

  4. @Mama King - I'm laughing about it today. All is good! lol

    @Steph - from talking to you on the phone you know my Wednesday wasn't any better! But things are looking up! Thanks for allowing me to vent (again and again and again!)

    @Buttons - so you feel my moving pains! Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine! :)


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