Sunday, June 14, 2009

Out of Town.....Craft Hope......Blankets

I am currently out of town but have computer access - if that's what you want to call it. This computer I am on has the slowest-ever connection. I think I'm going to die. If I'm posting less on here this week that's why!

Just in case I don't get to post for awhile I wanted to remind everyone that is helping out with my donation project to the Barium Springs Home for Children that the bibs, blankets, etc. are due on Monday, June 22nd. If you need my address please message me!

Speaking of blankets....
Craft Hope has announced their thrid project! Craft Hope has partnered with The Miracle Foundation to provide blankets, beanies and booties for newborn babies in India. The deadline is July 25th - sooooo..... if you have any extra blankets you want to donate but can't make my deadline won't you consider donating it to Craft Hope? For more info on Craft Hope and project three click here:

Craft Hope Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time
By the way - the latest count for dolls made and donated for Craft Hope's second project is 340! Isn't that awesome? I was so happy to be a part of it!


  1. Have fun sweetie! Tell everyone I said helloooo! Sending out the bibs tomorrow priority :)

  2. It sounds like a wonderful thing you are doing!!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  3. I hope you're having a good time out of town - slow internet connection and all! ;-)

  4. Thank you for the updates. Hope you're doing well while out of town and suffering from SIC (slow internet connection). Hang in there!


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