Saturday, July 18, 2009

Award Time!

Having just moved across the continental USA and the Pacific Ocean I am justified in being a bit behind in blogging, right? :)

Awhile back I was given two different and new awards. Take a look!

Super Comments Award

From Mama King of 4 Crazy Kings I was given this cuuuuuuuuute (as Momo would say) award! She is such an inspiration I can't help myself but leave comments on her - she is constantly leaving me in awe with her projects and ideas! Thanks Mama King!

The Humane Award

From Stephanie of A Pocket Full of Buttons I was given the Humane Award. "The Humane Award honors certain bloggers that I feel are kindhearted individuals. They regularly take part in my blog and always leave the sweetest comments. If it wasn’t for them, my site would just be an ordinary blog. Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis. I thank them and look forward to our growing friendships through the blog world. Link back to the person who gifted you with the award and share the love with other bloggers.”

Since I am quite a bit behind on blogging and catching up with everything and everyone I am going to give an honorable mention to some of my favorite blogs. If you are a follower of mine you will notice that this is not the first time I have mentioned some of these ladies! Take a moment to check out their blogs and let them know I sent you!

Stephanie at A Pocket Full of Buttons

Mama King at 4 Crazy Kings

Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot

Sandy at Momisodes

Jennifer at It's a Beauty Filled Life

MaryAnne at Thrifty Craft Mama

Thanks again to Stephanie and Mama King for the awards! And thanks to the other ladies that are constantly inspiring me and/or making me laugh! :)

More catching up to do.....


  1. Thanks!! Are you able to breath a sigh of relief or are you still in the hurricane that is unpacking!

  2. Glad you arrived safely in your new home


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