Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Day of 2nd Grade

Who said it gets easier?

Okay. Maybe it does - but just by a smidget. That's it.

I just got back from walking Kailani to her first day of 2nd grade. I still can't get over it! Second grade?!? I didn't cry but boy did I come close. Kailani on the other hand was fine. She did admit to being a little bit nervous (which made me even more anxious) but she was more excited than anything.

This morning I woke up at about 5:00 a.m. to make Kailani a cake. My girlfriend Betsy came up with a tradition of making a cake for her daughter every year on the 1st day of school. I loved the idea and have been doing it as well.

Need I remind you that I am not a pastry chef. Not even close! But as long as Kailani thinks I am I will continue to make boxed cakes and use store bought tubs of frosting! :)

Here is Kailani on her first day of kindergarten:

And her first day of 1st grade:

And then today, her first day of 2nd grade:

I had totally forgotten about making a cake until yesterday morning. I am so glad that I remembered. I would've been totally bummed had I completely forgetten!

So after posing for a picture with the cake we were off. We are fortunate to live close enough to the school so we can walk.

I'm already looking forward to the school day being over so I can go and pick her up! I can't wait to hear about her day! :)

Good luck to all you mommies and daddies out there that are sending your kiddos off to school for the first time (or the second....or third!)

ETA (edited to add): So as I'm finishing up this post I notice Momo is unusually quiet. You know that's not good. Here is why:

Those would be Momo's fingerprints. Can you make out the frosting on her face?


  1. Oh my goodness, she is suddenly even more grown-up looking!

  2. Oh my! Kailani has changed so much in just a few brief years!!! She's such a little lady in her second grade picture, time goes by too quickly. Have to say I love the tradition of a first day of school cake, what will you do when Momo starts, make two? BTW how cute is Momo in the last pic? Those chubby cheeks are so kissable! Maybe it's a west coast thing but in CA we'd be back in school too, I like having August off too in MI.

  3. Dawn - crazy, isn't it? How much they grow in such a short period of time? I think she looks really grown up too!

    Katie - LOL I don't know what I'm going to do when Momo starts school! Make one big cake or two smaller ones? Guess I have some time to decide! And don't let those chubby cheeks fool you....the girl has been testing me like CRAZY - nearly bringing me to TEARS!!! Wish me had August off as well......enjoy it!

  4. K Looks so grown up! And I love the cake tradition! Might have to steal it in 3 yrs when we start school!

  5. What a great idea to make a cake on there first day of school! My daughter is about to start 1st grade! I would make a cake if I had a full kitchen to make it in...

  6. haha, love the finger prints..haha
    I love how you do the cake every year. I will have to do this with C and M, what a great memory to have captured.

  7. What a sweet idea to make a cake to celebrate the first day of school. Your 2nd grader looks so grown up now.

  8. Oh, what a fun idea!!! I love that! It's such a sweet way to make the kids feel so special. And that picture at the end..of my. I want to just squeeze her!

  9. Your babies are adorable! (I can call them babies, right?) Mine is only 15 months, but looking at these pictures still made me a bit weepy. I know everyone always says it, but they really will always be your babies... right?


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