Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sea Glass....Bugs!

This past weeked was the annual "Made in Hawaii Festival." Everything being sold was made in the Hawaiian islands including jewelry, clothing, food, furniture, art work, baby stuff, etc. You wouldn't believe how much stuff was there! There were hundreds of vendors and I walked by almost every single booth! It was so inspiring to see so much creativity under one (well two) roofs!

I could go on and on about all the wonderful things we saw but I really wanted to mention one particular booth as it relates to a previous post that I blogged about - sea glass.

While there were several booths that featured sea glass jewelry there was one booth, "Besos Creations" that featured something a bit more unique. Not only did they have jewelry but they also had chimes, bottles filled with sea glass and.....sea glass BUGS!

Of course Kailani fell in LOVE with the little bugs and HAD to have one. You can't deny the fact that they are really cute! What a creative and unique way to display sea glass! The ladies that worked there (sisters, I believe) were so nice and easy to talk to - I could've stayed and talked story with them all day! We had talked about how we had just started collecting sea glass and when they saw how Kailani loved one of their little bugs they gave her a sweet deal on it!

Kailani's been taking her bug everywhere with her!

Close up of the bug

The great thing is that they have an Etsy shop! Their Etsy shop name is Ochoa Sea Glass. Take a moment to visit if you love sea glass like we do! They even have sea glass bugs available for purchase!

I love what they say about sea glass on their profile:

"Although most pieces in our collection is jewelry quality sea glass, we do use pieces with minor blemishes or pieces with so much POWER and character, that throwing them back was not a option. With hundreds of pounds of sea glass in our inventory, it is estimated that over 80% is thrown back with hopes that we will come across them again some day."

Thank you to Besos Creations/Ochoa Sea Glass for your kindness and creativity!


  1. Very cool! I just love Sea Glass.

    I love craft and arts fairs. Sounds like an ideal day!

  2. How cool! I remember collecting sea glass when I was little. This is a great way to start collecting them! LOL!

  3. WOW!! That looks cool!

    Kailani is sooo cute!!

  4. first off, i looooove to go to Hawaii someday!

    kailani has very pretty brown eyes, too :)

    and, of course, the sea glass is just an excellent piece of class :D

    i followed u back, too. thanks!

  5. Those bugs are adorable, I can't blame her for falling in love with them!

  6. So lovely! I'm going to have to try it with the kids.

  7. Oh wow! What a unique little gift! You're right...they are pretty cute.

  8. @Mama King - they have the best craft fairs here! Maybe they'll have one when you're in town!

    @Jennifer - let me know if you need/crave anything from the islands! ;)

    @Veronica - awwww. That is so sweet! Thanks! :)

    @The Leaves of Tarkong - thanks for coming by!

    @Laurie - they had quite a few of them - I would've had a hard time choosing one but Kailani fell in love with that particular one. :)

    @Neva - let me know how they turn out! I don't even think I would try!

    @Kris - you can probably make them with your eyes closed!

  9. It is always so fun to find treasures at art fairs.

    I'll be sure to visit Etsy for those beautiful sea glass bugs, my mother loves all bug art!

    Trying to get to Hawaii this year. Hanalai Bay is a very popular spot for Aspenites to vacation.

  10. Thanks for the follow!
    cute little bug.. OMG the girls are huge!
    Hope all is well!

  11. How adorable is that little bug, and of course K too :)

  12. What a neat outing and use of sea glass! Thanks for opening my eyes to something new :-).

    I followed you via twitter!



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