Wednesday, September 2, 2009


On Saturday Kailani received some mail all the way from New Jersey! While Lulu and Emme didn't sign up to be a part of the "Sticker Exchange" out of pure kindess they mailed Kailani some stickers! Kailani was TOTALLY stoked! It was fun watching her open the envelope addressed personally to her:

Opening her letter....

"Mom! They put a "K" on it!"


Apparently the stickers were left within Momo's reach. Momo was being a little too quiet and here is why.....

She was so darn proud. Thankfully the stickers were easy to remove from the wall. I was able to put them back onto it's original paper without Kailani ever knowing!

Thank you Lulu and Emme for the stickers! Because you were so nice we're sending some back! Check your mail in a couple of days! :)

PS - If you would like to be a part of the "Sticker Exchange" it's not too late! While we finally have six people to send letters to my girlfriend Stephanie at A Pocket Full of Buttons is looking for people to participate!


  1. Stickers and all, they are both so adorable! :-)

  2. Hello! I don't know what is going on with me or my dashboard. I keep missing your posts. I was going back through your posts looking for the post you did on an Asian food supplier you order from. We wanted to get some of those cute seaweed animal shaped snacks. Well, I came along this post. Sorry we missed it. I am so glad that Kailani liked the stickers. As I said before Momo and Emme have the same M.O. Great pictures of the girls!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!