Tuesday, September 22, 2009

50 States Postcard Exchange

Anyone interested in doing a postcard exchange? Our goal is to receive a postcard from each of the 50 states. International is okay too! This would be a great opportunity for Kailani to learn about the different states and where they are located.

I'd like to keep it simple. Just send us a postcard with one fact about your state and we will do the same in return. It could be your state's nickname, state tree or anything of interest about the state you are located in. That's it!

I have listed on my side bar a list of all 50 states. If your state is missing then someone from your state has already signed up. I will post when we have received a postcard from each state!

Leave me a comment and what state you are from if you're interested! You can also send me an email at SHARKritzler@aol.com with your mailing address.

Should be fun! I did this with my 7th grade class and the kids loved it!

Can't wait to get started! Thanks!


  1. Thank you Indiana, Iowa, and Wisconsin!

  2. Thank you Illinois, Kansas, Virginia and Washington!

  3. I can send one from Massachusetts!

  4. Nicole - that would be GREAT! Email me your address and I'll send you mine. THANKS!

  5. Los Angeles, CA would like to do postcard exchange!

    Christina from Mom Bloggers Club. I LOVE Hawaii, was there last summer.

  6. What a fabulous idea. I could send one from Spain if that's any good!

    Love your blog. Fantastic!

  7. We are all over Joisey! That is new Jersey for all those that don't speak Jersey!

  8. Maine!!! Anyone got Maine??? We'd love to do it!

  9. Spain, Missouri, New Jersey, South Carolina and Maine - THANK YOU! Email me at SHARKritzler@aol.com and I'll send you my mailing address! Leave me your address and we'll send you one in return! THANKS!

  10. If you still need Ct I'm in..... and my mom lives in Maine I'm sure she would send one :)

  11. I'm in for Wyoming if you are still in need. Let me know cheapmommacolumn@gmail.com

  12. My nephew and I would love to represent Florida!

  13. Would you happen to want one from Minnesota? We would love to participate! My brother lives right across the river in Wisconisn and he has two little girls...they would probably be up for this, too!

  14. i'm in utah and can send a post card, if you are still doing this, let me know! mandydow at gmail

  15. Wow, you still need Nebraska. We're about to head east. I'll look at the gas stations in bigger towns.

  16. From Croatia near Italy to the east, if you need a country with more of 1000 beautiful islands.
    Kristina & Lara(3Y) kskaler@gmail.com


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