Sunday, September 20, 2009

Birthday Skirts

Happy (Belated) Birthday Kailani!

Yesterday was Kailani's 7th birthday. Where has the time gone? I acted a bit sad when I woke her up telling her I couldn't believe she was seven already. Her reply? "Don't worry mom, I won't be eight for a very long time." :)

It just so happens that one of her best friends has a birthday two days before hers. Since I have a loaner sewing machine I decided to sew her something special. When planning on what to make Kailani actually said, "Mom, I want you to make me something too." How can I say no to that? Matching skirts for two birthday BFFs it would be!

With not much time to complete a skirt I chose my pattern carefully. I opted for Olabelhe's "Kirstin Skirt" which I bought off of the You Can Make This website. I then went to the fabric store and left with fabric I had no intention of buying. It was not what I had in mind but it worked out great! The skirt turned out to be quite magical. For the overlay I used a moon and stars batik print that had flecks of gold in it and pink/purple/blue/green batik for the underskirt:

I love the construction of the waistband with the rows of elastic in the back. You can also tie the sash in front or in back.

Happy Birthday Girls! I hope you love your skirts! (Thanks for the perfect opportunity to sew something!)

ETA: Just to clarify - I did not make Momo's skirt. I am hoping to post a picture of Kailani and her BFF in their matching skirts but do not have permission yet to do so.


  1. What adorable skirts! Great job on those!

    And Kailani, she is a doll! She won't be 8 for a very long time? I wish I could say the same about 40... LOL! ;-)

  2. Sharon...the skirts look amazing! I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed the pattern! Hope you are all settled and Happy to be back in Hawaii!!!

  3. Love the pattern and the Batik is to die for!!! Awesome job :)

  4. Those are super cute!! Happy Birthday to Kailani and tell her not to grow up any more!

  5. Happy birthday to Kailani! Our Lu turned 4 on yesterday (the 20th) I'll have to tell her it was her pen pal's birthday this weekend too. The skirt is gorgeous! It looks a bit complicated you think a fairly beginner sewer could tackle it? It is very Stevie Nicks and just up Lu's alley.

  6. I love the skirts and I love that website. I've sew quite a bit of stuff from them. Thanks for stopping by my blog sorry I'm just now getting back to you. I look forward to getting to know you.


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