Saturday, September 26, 2009

Take Along Car Carrier/Mat

For awhile now I've had this project bookmarked and on my "to do" list. Since we're heading to a birthday party this weekend I thought it would be worth a shot to make and take it as a present.

The verdict? It was easy to make but the instructions definitely need some tweaking. I am a visual learner so more pictures would've been helpful as well. Due to the fact that I had some difficulties making sense of some of the instructions it took me a bit longer (due to having to unstitch/restitch, etc.) to make. It is a simple project but if you are a beginner sewer you definitely need more clarification on the how-tos. I think it's a cute little gift so I am seriously considering rewriting the tutorial for my own sake. I'll let you know when/if that happens.

Here's how it turned out. You may or may not (depending on how much of a perfectionist you are!) be able to see some cosmetic blemishes. *Sigh* Live and learn!

Instead of going with the traditional race track or Disney "Cars" theme I opted for the "Woodie" look since we are back in the islands. It's got the total surfer appeal! The pocket holds three cars. At the time I thought using a constrast fabric for the pocket was a good idea. I think I should've stuck with the same red woodie fabric instead. Again, live and learn.

A couple of cosmetic issues - fraying of the ribbon for one. The instructions recommended using grosgrain ribbon - of course I couldn't find any yellow so I settled for yellow twill. Next time I will try something completely different - just not sure what yet.

I actually managed to find a "Woodie" car to include with the bag! :)

Regardless of the headaches I encountered I think it turned out pretty cute. I'm looking forward to making another one. Next time I will probably include some velcro to keep the bag shut when not in use.

On that same note - have you seen THIS one?

Click on the photo and it will take you to the tutorial. If you make it please let me know! :)

12/11/09: Update! I finally made the above car mat! Here's my version of it. Click on the picture and it will take you to the post!


  1. I love seeing those homemade gifts!

    Have you thought about trying fabric paint for the road stripes instead of ribbon. Cut your stencil out of freezer paper and iron it on. You just have to be careful to find a yellow paint that is opaque against the black.

  2. Oh, how adorable! I would love to try this!

  3. This is great... you did super awesome!! I will add it to my list as well lol

    xo Steph

  4. Tonya! What a clever idea! I may just have to try that! Is there a certain kind of paint that I should use?

  5. I think it came out great! Love the woody wagon by the way!

  6. I love this! I am making a car mat for Christmas this year too!

    My sister is making a large car mat for her son for Christmas, and she used grosgrain ribbon -- except she cut slits in the felt background and "sewed" the ribbon up and down to make the lines on the road. Since it was a felt background, there is no fraying there, and the ribbon is continuous so there's no fraying there either! She then straight stitched over the lines.

  7. Its a really nice post and what an idea thank you so much for sharing this blog its been a nice work...

    Movers and Packers Lucknow


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