Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Past - Present

Happy Halloween!

In a few shorts hours the girls will begin their trek of going door-to-door for candy. I can't wait!
*to pick out all their Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and freeze them for myself!*

While reading over some of my favorite blogs I came across a post by
Katie as well as Mama King of Halloween past and present. It inspired me to do the same. Thanks ladies for such a great idea! I enjoyed the trip down memory lane!

2001 - Hawaii (1)

Pebbles. I cut up a dress and made it into a costume. I used the scraps to wrap around her flip flops and put a small raw hide bone in her hair.

2004 - Hawaii (2)

2005 - Hawaii (3)

Another fairy - with Mardi Gras accessories. :)

2006 - Maryland (4)
Tiger jumpsuit (at least one of us can wear it and look good it in!) Was fun to be able to trick-or-treat in cooler weather.

2007 - Virginia (5, 8 mo.)

2008 - Virginia (6, 1)
Snow fairies. I made the skirts using a pattern from You Can Make This (filled tutus). Notice Momo's hair? While I can laugh about it now I still get a stinging pain when I see pictures. Here's the story in case you missed it!

2009 - Hawaii (7,2)

Cleopatra and Ariel. Would have loved to have hand made their costumes this year but it just wasn't happening. Kailani fell in love with the Cleopatra costume as soon as she saw it. I had planned on Momo being a bee but when I saw the Ariel costume for 1/4th the price Ariel won. That's okay. Ariel is Momo's favorite princess!

Have a fun night! :)


  1. Double, double toil and trouble;
    fire burn and cauldron bubble.
    ~ Shakespeare "Macbeth"~


    2001 made me laugh so hard! So cute!

  2. So, so, so adorable! Hope you all are enjoying your treats! :-)

  3. Now that was fun! I just loved every single year and every single costume!

  4. Your girls are just so cute! I can't pick a favorite! Pebbles was cute but Kailani looks down right regal as Cleopatra! Hope it was a Happy Halloween!

  5. Thanks for all the nice comments! I hope everyone had a fun Halloween!


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