Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spider Lollipops

Need a last minute idea for your kid's class or Halloween party? Check these out. It took me about an hour to make 30 of them - and that includes having to stop every other minute due to a two year old and 7 year old wanting to play with them! All you need are Tootsie Pops (or any other lollipops), googly eyes, black pipe cleaners and some glue!

You probably don't need instructions on how to make it but just in case you do you can find them on the Family Fun website
here. Need more than written instructions? They even have a video demonstration!

Happy early Halloween!


  1. Those are SO COOL!!! I got to remember that for next year!!

  2. Those are just too cute! I've never seen them before and I will have to run out and give it a try.

  3. Happy Halloween! Wish I had seen the lollis sooner! Next year! Can't wait to see the girls dressed up in their costumes.


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