Friday, November 20, 2009

Postcard Exchange Update!

WOW! We are almost half way there! As of today we have a total of 37 postcards from 24 of the 50 states including Washintgon D.C.! (The numbers don't quite add up because we have received multiple postcards from some states.)

Thank you to all of you that have participated! If you have sent any postcards in the last two weeks please forgive me as we have gotten a little bit behind in responding. (Minnesota and Alaska - yours are on their way! Thanks for your patience!)

Right now we are still seeking postcards from:

  1. Arizona
  2. Arkansas
  3. Colorado
  4. Connecticut
  5. Delaware
  6. Indiana
  7. Iowa
  8. Kentucky
  9. Maine
  10. Maryland
  11. Massachussetts
  12. Michigan
  13. Mississippi
  14. Montana
  15. Nebraska
  16. Nevada
  17. New Mexico
  18. New York
  19. North Carolina
  20. North Dakota
  21. Ohio
  22. Oklahoma
  23. Oregon
  24. South Carolina
  25. South Dakota
  26. Utah

Can you help us out? Or know of someone in one of these states that can? Please send them our way! :)

For your viewing pleasure I have created a Photobucket slideshow of the postcards we have received. It is also on my sidebar. Can you find yours in there?


  1. I am in Arizona I will send you one!!!

  2. COOL! Thanks! I emailed you both! :)

  3. Good luck on your exchange! I'm in HI too, so I'm not much help.
    But I have given you an award on my blog, check it out!!!

  4. Mrs. Marine - thank you so much! I will try and pass the award on this weekend (TRY being the key word!) lol Thank you so much!

    Michael - thanks for helping us out! Send me your email address and I'll give your our mailing address!


  5. I'm in Massachusetts!!!

    I'd be happy to send a postcard :)

  6. Sending you a big JOISEY hello! Hope you and those beautiful girls are all doing well. Hugs!

  7. What a FUN idea!! I live in UTAH and would love to send one to you . Let me know the address. MY email is


Thanks for taking the time to comment!