Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10 Postcards to Go!

A little postcard update! We have only 10 more postcards to collect and then we will have collected from all 50 states! Can you help? Here's who we need in alphabetical order:

  1. Arkansas
  2. Connecticut
  3. Delaware
  4. Kentucky
  5. Maryland
  6. Mississippi
  7. Nebraska
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Oregon
  10. South Dakota
Thank you so much to those that have already participated. Today we sent out return postcards to Utah - so please check your mail in a couple of days! If you sent us a postcard and provided us your return address but have yet to have received one from us please feel free to send me a message at I try to keep track of everything but you know how that goes!

Here's what we have so far. Don't see yours? Let me know so I can track it down!

1 comment:

  1. Impressive! We sent you the second card because I realized our first one told you nothing educational! Oops!


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