Thursday, February 18, 2010

Delaware, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma & South Dakota - HELP!

Life got a little busy with all the party planning and sewing but now I'm back to recruit for a few more postcards to complete our 50 States Postcard Exchange!

We still need postcards from:

1) Delaware

2) Mississippi

3) Nebraska
4) Oklahoma

5) South Dakota

Can you help wrap up our project? If you can please send me an email at and I'll send you our mailing address. Thanks again to all that have already sent one! Much mahalo to you! :)

*Nebraska - I'm almost 100% positive that we received a postcard from Nebraska but I think the little monster might have gotten hold of it before I was able to do anything with it. I am going to attempt to tear the house apart and look for it again!


  1. Thanks for the vote!
    I'm following back and looking forward to your posts.

  2. hey!! found you on MBC! my parents are in oklahoma just shoot me an email with what you need :)

  3. Hey, I mailed Nebraska Saturday. It should be there soon. A friend was going to drop Mt. Rushmore in the mail to you too. I'm still working on OK.

  4. Peggy - Nebraska arrived!!! Thank you SO MUCH! :)


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