Monday, February 8, 2010

Winner & Giveaway!

Most of you know that I'm a big fan of "You Can Make This". They recently held an "I Made This!" contest where you could submit your own photos of things you have made using patterns sold by YCMT. Well guess what? I entered four different pictures and.......

*Drum roll please........* I WON!!!!

(*Applause*Applause*Applause*Thank You!*Thank You!*)

Can you say super stoked?

So what did I win? A bundle pack of patterns worth over $100! Dress patterns, doll patterns, pillow patterns, holiday patterns, etc!

Yeah. Super-duper-stoked!
So I want to share my luck with others! Not just because I won but I just realized that my one year blogging anniversary (blogiversary) has come and gone!

Can I get another "Whoo-hoo!" (Why do I write that when I don't even SAY that? Seriously?!?)

Since I won using a YCMT pattern I thought I would make something using one of their patterns to give away. How about a "Little Helper Reversible Apron" much like I made awhile ago? I had such a great response and luckily have enough of each of the fabrics to make another. Same pattern, same print. Here's a picture of it in case you missed it months ago:

It'll be hot off the machine - much like a bakery. :) I've got a ton of things to finish up this week for my daughter's birthday party so I can't even start on it till after the weekend!

Here's how you can win:
Leave me a comment telling me who you would gift the apron to. Please be sure to leave your email address if it's not easily located in your Blogger profile.

That's it!

But.....if you'd like to increase your chances of winning here's what you can do: (please leave a separate comment for each:)

Extra entry #1) Become a follower of my blog. Already a follower? Just let me know!

Extra entry #2) Tweet about this giveaway. (No need to become a follower on Twitter as I've been Tweet-lazy.) You can Tweet once a day. Leave me a link to your Tweet!

You can copy and paste the following (or create your own):

Mama's a Mess is hosting a giveaway! Win a "Little Helper Reversible Apron" Enter at . Contest ends 2/21.

Extra entry #3) My Etsy store will be open soon (soon is a relative term, right?) so head on over there and "heart" me as one of your favorites!

Extra entry #4) Earn FIVE extra entries by blogging about this giveaway! Post about it on your blog and link back to this thread. Let me know where to find it on your blog! Be sure to comment five extra times for five extra chances to win!

Contest is open to US & Canada residents only (sorry other International friends!) One winner will be chosen at midnight E.S.T. on Sunday, February 21st via Winner will be announced here on this blog as well as be sent an email notification. Response is required within 48 hours or a new winner will be selected.

Thanks so much for celebrating with me!


Edited to add: My dear Canadian friends....I have opened up the contest to you as well! :) Thanks for your support!


  1. Oh what a cute apron--I would give it to my 3 yr old daughter if I win.

    mattles22 at yahoo dot com

  2. I added you to my favorites on Etsy--I heart you now :)

  3. tweeted:

  4. Seriously seriously cute! (Both the apron and your little model!)

    I would give it to my two-year-old daughter if I win...

    sdodge78 at gmail dot com

  5. I've followed your blog, but usually reserve comments for the HM board.

  6. I would give it to C :) Congrats girly on the big win!

  7. Tweet Tweet

  8. I blogged #1

  9. Awesome dear! I would give it to both of my sweet nieces they would LOVE it!

  10. I am your newest follower. I hope you will come by to my bloggy blog and follow back if you would like. It is always great to meet other bloggers. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog.

  11. I would give the apron to MY little helper, my five year old daughter :)

  12. I tweeted! I'm @LittleBrownDog

  13. Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?

  14. OMG! That apron and your little one are just so adorable! I know my daughter would just flip over it.

  15. Hearted on etsy from

  16. Tweeted :)

  17. Don't know how I missed this one! Of course I would love to win a Mama's A Mess creation. I would give the lovely apron to my two daughters to "share". I know can of worms.

    So exciting that your store is coming to fruition. I can't wait! Will head over and heart you. Although I don't know what that means. I'll figure it out.

  18. I follow! Forgot to include my email - although i think you know it!


  19. I hearted you! I figured it out - but did not figure out how to add a picture. So my square is blank...for now. Lu is pulling on me - got to gooooo.

  20. Love this! I would give it to my 5 year old she loves to help in the kitchen!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!