Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flat Stanley

At the Beach.....

Flat Stanley - have you heard of him? If you are an elementary school teacher or parent of school age kids you probably have. If you haven't you eventually will!

Flat Stanley is based on a children's book by Jeff Brown. The story is about a young boy who becomes flattened when a bulletin board falls on top of him. Stanley makes the best of his new physique and travels the world via an envelope through the postal system. He has amazing adventures!

We are fortunate to have Stanley visiting us right now. We've been taking him with us wherever we go and have been taking pictures along the way. With spring break starting only hours from now we are looking forward to really treating Stanley to some fun in the sun before he has to return to Illinois!

Have you ever played host to Flat Stanley? Would love to hear some of the things you did with him! Leave me a comment!

For more information and/or if you want to participate in the Flat Stanley project click

Playing some miniature golf....

Hanging out with some carnival animals (getting smothered by a monkey!)


  1. Aww I remember Flat Stanly! Does he want to visit San Diego??

  2. Thanks for this post. I see Flat Stanly pics everywhere and on our local TV commercials but never knew who or what he is!

  3. Yeah I do know lil Flat Stanley. I always hear stories of him from my nephew and he is really fond of Flat Stanley. A fan I must say. :D

  4. We played host to Flat Stanley when he visited us from my niece in England several years ago. We took him to Charleston,SC and he got to visit some lovely mansions and the marshes! What a hoot!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!