Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blog under construction...and I'm snapping away....

You may have noticed my blog has undergone some changes over the last couple of days. Please bear with me....I am trying to get a feel of just how I want my blog set up. Seems like it would be an easy task but I get a little OCD...and it doesn't help that I've got two munchkins that are constantly interrupting my every thought!

By the industrial snap press came in the mail today! WHOO-HOO! Watch out! I'll be putting snaps on everything! Now I can get back to making more bibs! Snap away.....


  1. I love the new is so very you!!

  2. wish I had a snap press... :)

    I'm liking your blog!

  3. Sew Funky...thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment/compliment! As you can see I have a link to yours! And yes...everyone should have a snap press! ;)


Thanks for taking the time to comment!