Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well, I tried.....

So I haven't blogged in a couple of days. Besides having a sick kiddo at home I really didn't have much to report in the "domestic goddess" department. I did sew some more bibs (which reminds me, I need to do an update soon!); did "surgery" on Kailani's dog, "Tiki"; cut some fabric to make Easter dresses; tried to fool the kids by sneaking some veggies into a pasta dish and did some sanding.

Tiki - Recovering from cosmetic ear surgery.

Sanding? As in use an electric sander and smooth out some wood? Yes. :) Can I just tell you how cool I thought I was? What a dork, I know. But I have this weird fascination with tools and home improvement stores like Lowe's or Home Depot. To me it's just one big craft store. I walk up and down the aisles and wonder what every little gadget is and want to know what every tool does! And I'm just amazed that I can ask any employee where something is (and I might not even know the name of it - "I'm looking for the round thing that goes to the square thing") and they know what I'm talking about! WOW.....

Anyways. Back to the sanding. I found some old wooden Pepsi crates in my dad's garage. He wasn't using them for anything so I thought maybe I could do something with them. Then I remembered being in a fabric store and seeing fat quarters being stored in something similar. YES! That's what I wanted to do. But the wood was splintering and looking rough so I thought I'd try to sand them down. There was no way I was going to do sand them manually (what fun would that be?) so I bought a small hand sander and grinded away!

*Sigh* Well, after sanding the insides and outsides of three crates I'm not too happy with the results. After removing the burlap (?) stapled to the bottom I found that the wood was rotted worse than I thought. Darn! Oh well...I tried. I think the fabric looks great stacked up in it so I'll probably try something similar.

The crates weren't my only disappointment. I tried making a slip cover for my camera strap. Unlike the patchwork one that I made for my girlfriend I tried to make one like this. It was really easy to make but I think I prefer the patchwork one better. Maybe with some tweaking I could get it the way I want but I'm not sure I even want to try. After all there are so many things on my "want to try" list to do!

Speaking of wanting to try.... I came across a website that lists "The Top 100 Tutorials". So many wonderful ideas! Now I just need to figure out how to get more than 24 hours into a day!

Reminder - tomorrow is "Wordless Wednesday!"

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