Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Been Sick...Been in Denial.....

Sorry I've been missing for a bit. Life got a little crazy and I got a little sick. Now laundry is piled up, dishes are needing to be washed, and projects had to be put on the back burner. Oh wait. That's how life is everyday!


But I have been feeling under the weather and I have been in complete and total denial.

"Denial about what?" you might ask.

Denial about moving. Don't get me wrong, I am THRILLED to b
e moving back home! In about 10 weeks we will be on a jet plane headed back to the islands. But that means in less than 10 weeks I have a ton of stuff do to! This is where the denial sets in. While I SHOULD be reorganizing, packing, donating or selling things I am not. I am either surfing the web or thinking of what craft project I should do next! *yet another big sigh*

Moving onward...

My father returned home from church on Sunday with a wonderful surprise! (Please don't ask why I wasn't in church!) One of the ladies in his church, Eileen K. gave him some handmade blankets as well as some store bought ones to donate to the Barium Springs Home for Children. Much like when the bibs arrived from Pat in Arizona I was absolutely floored. Floored at the talent as well as the generosity! I am blessed to already own a blanket made by Eileen as she gave us one when Momo was born. Now Barium Springs will be a lucky recipient to own handmade blankets from her as well! Thank you Eileen!

From Eileen K. - Hiddenite, N.C.

I have also posted a picture of the hats that Pat made and sent along with her bibs. Please see my original post here. They are darling!

If anyone else is ready to send in their blankets, bibs, etc. please do! Leave a comment with your email address and I'll send you my mailing address! Also - if you are making bibs but don't want to deal with attaching a snap or Velcro feel free to send them to me to do so. After all, I spent and arm and a leg for an industrial snap press! Might as well put it to good use!

Also - I've been working on a project. I'll give you a hint - MERMAIDS. :) There. It's "out there". Now I have to hold myself accountable! Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! You are really getting a great amount of support...that is so awesome!! I swear I'm working on mine..just a little behind :)


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