Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bibs from Tonya

From Tonya - Shawnee, Kansas


Guess what came in the mail today? BIBS!

I received a package from Tonya today that had
seven handmade bibs for the Barium Springs Home for Children! The bibs are absolutely darling and I'm sorry to say but my picture does not do them justice! (I just LOVE the dark corduroy one!) If you get the chance head over to her blog at Crazy Cucumbers! Tonya is also a participant of Craft Hope and made some dolls for the orphanage in Nicaragua. She is the one I give credit to for inspiring me to finish (actually START on) my dolls! Check out her adorable, one-of-a-kind dolls here!

Tonya - if you are reading this I am so grateful and feel so blessed to have received your bibs! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


  1. These are beautiful! They look incredibly soft, too. I'll have to check out your links.

  2. How sweet of you to post them. I hope you reach your goal. And I do keep all your posts read :)


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