Wednesday, May 20, 2009


* Sweet * Smart * Silly * Stubborn * Sassy * Special *

Awhile back Katie from Katie's Nesting Spot posted about a giveaway she had won. She was the lucky recipient of the cutest cards designed by Kim of 4 Crazy Kings. The cards had kids on them from of all different walks of life. Blonde hair, brown hair, red hair; African American kids; Asian kids; etc! I went absolutely ga-ga over them! Of course I was especially drawn to the kids that had a little Asian influence to them as they reminded me so much of my own kids!

I was so bummed that I missed out on the giveaway. I really wanted these cards! I sent Kim a message asking if she had an Etsy account or if there was a place online where she sold her cards. Currently she does not have a shop but she graciously offered to send me some cards FREE OF CHARGE!!! Can you believe that?!? THANK YOU KIM!!!

Well, the cards arrived in the mail today! Take a look!



"I'm Telling!"

"I'm Sorry"

"You Can't Make Me"

Aren't they just adorable?!? They remind me so much of my own little Momo. As soon as I can find a picture of her in pigtails I will post it!

If you like these cards as much as I do head over to 4 Crazy Kings and let Kim know! If you are interested in purchasing any of her cards you can contact her directly through her blog. As a matter of fact go ahead and try to convince to her sell her items online! Tell her Sharon sent you!

By the way - wouldn't these look great enlarged, framed and hanging on the wall?

Thank you Kim!!!


  1. Thanks so much!!! You are so kind! Your encouragement may be enough to get me to create more cards. I am happy your girls like them! I might just make some with cute page boy haircuts!

  2. Kim - I think that's a great idea! I have a nephew who just turned one and he is half-Japanese! I'll be wanting those cards too!

    Next would be shirts! And bags! :)

    Can't thank you enough!!!

  3. OMG I missed this post somehow. I LOVE those cards! So adorable and how sweet of her to send them to you for FREE!


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