Friday, May 22, 2009

Fricken Friday

That's the toned down version. Did you read my post from last night? Where I whined about feeling overwhelmed? Well, my Friday started off WONDERFULLY. While I was cooking I noticed Momo was a little too quiet and this is why. She came into the kitchen and said, "LOOK!" She was SO proud. I was SO ticked.

Here's the proof. I didn't even take picture of the sheets, furniture, door and whatever else with purple markings that I haven't found yet. Need I say more?


  1. oooh and it was a Sharpie too! Well I can match you- not today but a while back I discovered Ari was really quiet, when I checked on him he had colored on my wall, brand new couch, coffee table, desk, and entertainment system. I caught him just as he started on my cream colored carpet- with a giant green permanent marker.

  2. Nice with a sharpie. My 5-year-old who is old enough to know better has been doing the same in the last month. Luckily, only one is with sharpie most are crayon and ink. But I have drawings on my walls, hard wood floors and his carpet. Can you yell at him when he writes "Aiden (heart) Eva" about his sister on the wall?

  3. Okay, I guess I should calm down about the line ER made on the kitchen wall with her dry erase maker yesterday, now!

    I love these little mishaps pictures, so cute and fun...unless they're of MY child☺ Then I have no sense of humor at all!

  4. Teresa - BRAND NEW COUCH?!? Oh no....

  5. Tonya - "Aiden *Heart* Eva". You are right. How could you get mad? Did you take a picture?

  6. Katie - did the ink come off? And I hear you about the sense of humor. I can laugh about it right now...well...kind of!

  7. LOL, oh sweetie I feel awful for laughing after reading your last post..but oh my she just looks so proud of herself! LOL
    Hanging there girl, it will be better...and don't forget you can always call and lay it on me :)

  8. But mom don't you know it is the best feeling to write on your skin? Love it! I have fond memories of these days. Thanks for sharing your very sweet pictures.

  9. That reminds me of this day:

  10. Oh, I remember this stage. Around 15 mos old or so. She's quite adorable and wears Sharpie well! LOL! I'm a new follower via MBC.

  11. This reminds me of the time my son took a rolling animal stamp and rolled it along the walls all over the house. I feel your pain.


  12. Hi!

    Your girl looks cute with her innocent but proud smile... I hope the ink came off easily ? I dread the day my son discovers pens and crayons... *sigh*

    I just discovered your blog and I have an award waiting for you at my site. Hope you get it :)

  13. I had this with my little girl. The first time she did it was with a pen then she did it with a sharpie... so what I did was get those washable one. Just in case she did it again, we can remove it with no problem.

    by the way, drop by over at Living in Style and join the fun.

  14. Ooooooh no! When Noah was 4 and went to spend a couple months with my mom in WA (we are in WI) ... apparently he got ahold of a black sharpie - colored all over their furniture... carpet... oops! And my Nathan, well - he will color with ANYTHING on ANY surface - doesn't matter - he doesn't discriminate at all! I have Picasso walls to prove it!

    Oh and thanks for the note, and the following :) I'm following you now too! You're welcome for stopping by to tell you - and thanks for the comments on my pregnancy photos. I just posted his birth in pictures cuz pulling up those pregnancy photos made me want to, and I hadn't before in my blog.

  15. She is so cute, love the pictures

  16. Ha!! We had a Sharpie incident recently, too. Following from the Under 100 group. Thanks for reading my blog, too!

  17. OK, it's not funny...but it so is. I plan in getting those pens that only make a mark on special paper. No sharpies will be allowed in my home =P

  18. Oh my! Quite the little artist you have there.

  19. There seems to be a theme around the blogosphere today. I coming across many Michelangeloes.

    How did you remove the sharpie?

    Check this out:

  20. I look at Momspective then come here, later in the day my DS 4 gets green & brown markers on him & my wall. What is up? He has not done this for 2 yrs.

  21. He does look like our logo!!! haha. We were going to add a cow bell to our MooBear but decided against it... Is Pom Pom a cow?? sometimes people think ours is a giraffe... lol.

    xo Steph


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