Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

Daddy is Home - 2006

I hope everyone is having a wonderful three day weekend! Unlike most kids my daughter actually has school tomorrow (Memorial Day). Why? It's a "snow make-up day". A few months back school was canceled due to snow and apparently some nitwit decided Memorial Day would be the perfect day to make it up. I'm curious to see just how many absences there will be at school!

On a more serious note - I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone to please stop, if even for just a moment to remember the service men and service women that paid the ultimate price fighting for our freedom. This day is in remembrance of you. Thank you for sacrifice.

Over the years the true meaning of Memorial Day has been forgotten. It has been replaced with a weekend of pool parties, beach days and backyard barbecues. Currently Memorial Day is celebrated every last Monday in May. However, there is an attempt to change Memorial Day to it's original day of observance, May 30th.

On 17 of March 1989 Senator Inouye [HI] introduced a bill to the Senate which called for the restoration of the traditional day of observance of Memorial Day back to May 30th. Every new Congress since then (every two years), Mr. Inouye has faithfully re-introduced the bill. Several times a companion bill was introduced to the House.

As eloquently stated by Mr. Inouye in his introductory remarks to the bill he introduced in 1999:

"Mr. President, in our effort to accommodate many Americans by making the last Monday in May, Memorial Day, we have lost sight of the significance of this day to our nation. Instead of using Memorial Day as a time to honor and reflect on the sacrifices made by Americans in combat, many Americans use the day as a celebration of the beginning of summer. My bill would restore Memorial Day to May 30 and authorize our flag to fly at half mast on that day. In addition, this legislation would authorize the President to issue a proclamation designating Memorial Day and Veterans Day as days for prayer and ceremonies honoring American veterans. This legislation would help restore the recognition our veterans deserve for the sacrifices they have made on behalf of our nation." (1999 Congressional Record, page S621)

*Courtesy of US Memorial*

For more information or to sign the petition click here.

In remembrance of our fallen soldiers......


  1. Great post! How true! Hope you're enjoying your Memorial Weekend as well!

  2. Nice post. I must ask though, how does your daughter's school get away with going to school on memorial day? We absolutely can not use government holidays as make up days. I bet attendence will be awful! Enjoy your memorial day!

  3. Beautiful tribute post. Thanks for the follow. I'm following you back through MBC.

  4. A wonderful post sweetie and such a great picture of K and her daddy. Happy Memorial Day and a thank you to you and Eric!!

  5. What a wonderful photo that pull the heart strings. We always remember what Memorial Day is about - my husband was in the Army. Today is for all those who have served our country and protected our freedom, for those lives lost, damaged, and returned ... they all need a big thank you today!

    I saw your note on another blog asking about how to cross things out - you put < s > infront and < / s > behind - minus the spaces so it would look like this >s< and >/s< only the arrows reversed ... HTH!

  6. Hi Sharon,
    Nice post today. The school thing is funny. I teach third grade and I could see many teachers calling in sick today.
    About the crossing off words I see another blogger helping out. I don't do it that way, but it may work. I tried to tell you on this comment, but it won't let me type it. It must think I'm trying to cross off! If the other style does not work feel free to email me at I'm happy to help. Happy Blogging!

  7. Hi Sharon, Sorry I was out of town for the weekend. I will definitely try that recipe. Thanks for looking for it. I got a quick peek at your previous post. LOL! My now 3.5 year old had a run in with some color stay lipstick and my cream colored rug when she was around 18 months. She ha that same look...somehow very happy with herself!

    I hope you and your family enjoyed the day.

  8. I love, love this post. Enjoy your memorial day!!

  9. thank you for commenting on my blog. it definitely felt better to hear that from another mommy :)

    by the way, such a sincere post you have here... keep writing!

    i so love to go to Hawaii with my son, and probably live there for sometime :)

  10. What a great post! My husband is in the military and I totally agree with you that this holiday has been completely side swiped by BBQs and pool parties!

    Came over from the MBC under 100 followers group!
    Come check out the mayhem on my blog!


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