Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Little Mermaids

Who doesn't love mermaids? While surfing the web for who-knows-what and after clicking on who-knows-how-many-links I came across a website, Chasing Fireflies. They've got some of the cutest things but unfortunately not within my budget! While looking at the pictures I found some mermaid towels. How cute are they? Pretty darn cute, but not $48.00 cute. With two girls it would actually be $96.00 cute. I don't think so.

So I attempted to make my own. Instead of buying terry cloth by the yard I bought some towels on sale at Target. My plan was to make them shorter than they show in the catalog for fear of it being a trip hazard. For some reason the tail wouldn't lay right and it would flop this way and that. So I went ahead and made it longer.

I stitched some lines in the tail and made my own bias tape with some batik fabric that I had. Instead of putting ties on it I used Velcro. That way I don't have to listen to, "Mommy, tie this" over and over again. The outcome? They are not perfect but they came out pretty cute...and for much cheaper than what they are selling for in the stores!

It's a bit chilly to put the kids in their bathing suits - please excuse what they are wearing. ;)

I think they'll be super cute come beach time!


  1. Wow, very cute, and how creative!!!


  2. ADORABLE!!!!! I'm so excited to see them done!

    Oh and yah, you get yet another award..The Adorable Blog Award..and no, no because we are BFF's, but because of posts like these ;) Stop by and pick it up!

  3. Love the Mermaid Towels! So cute!!!

  4. Those are super cute, and so much better that you made them! Sheesh, what do they think people are made of these days, money?

  5. Look how cute!! Great project...beautiful girls!


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