Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Craft Hope

Momo's, Kailani's & Craft Hope's

My "Wordless Wednesday" today is a little bit wordful. :)

Back in
February I posted about "Craft Hope." In their own words this is who they are:

"Craft Hope is a faith-based, love inspired project designed to share handmade crafts with those less fortunate. It is our hope to combine our love for crafting and desire to help others into a project to make a difference around the world."

I found out about them a little too late to help out with their first project but I am happy to say that I am able to help out with their second.

For their current project they are asking for donations of handmade dolls to give to the Casa Bernabe orphanage in Mangua, Nicaragua. This orphanage houses boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 18. Many of the children have come from abusive backgrounds and almost all of them arrive at the orphanage with nothing. Donating the dolls will not only give the children something of their very own but it will also allow the children to develop the nurturing instincts that they are born with but have been deprived of themselves.

While Craft Hope provided several links to free patterns/tutorials online I decided to go with a pattern from the You Can Make This website. I was a bit undecided so I let Kailani help me choose. Together we decided on the "Doodle Girl Doll." A simple pattern that requires only a quarter yard of fabric. Plus, I liked the fact that the hair on the doll was made from fabric vs. yarn. While I think the yarn hair is really cute quite honestly I didn't want to have to deal with it.

Can anyone guess what the problem is when making a doll? If
your guess was "you have two girls" you are right. I knew that I would have to make them one too. That's okay. I figured I would test out the pattern on theirs. I let them both choose which fabric they wanted as well as the eye and hair color then went to work.

I think they turned out pretty cute. There are a fe
w changes that I made to the pattern but overall is was very easy to do. The dolls have already brought a lot of joy to our house - hopefully it will bring some joy to the orphanage in Nicaragua!

If you are interested in helping out with this project you still have time. The deadline to send in a doll(s) is June 13th. Click on the logo for more information. Help if you can!

Craft Hope Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time

For more Wordless Wednesday click here.


  1. Oh I think they are so cute! Thanks for helping us and spreading the word!!

  2. They are so cute! Sounds like a wonderful cause!

  3. These turned out really cute. I'll have to try this pattern if I make another one.

  4. Thanks ladies!

    Tonya - you helped kick my butt into gear into making one. Seeing your cute little dolls encouraged me! :)

  5. Thanks so much...I love your contribution!!!

  6. Those dolls are adorable! I hear you about the dilemma of having more than one daughter to make them for! I have 3 girls and it's surely not as quick to finish a project! LOL!

  7. They are wonderful. I wouldn't even know where to start. When you get here we have to swap quilting help for doll making help!


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