Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Pocket Full of Buttons Giveaway!

Okay - if you've noticed I'm not one that regularly posts about giveaways. I may enter some but rarely will I post about them. Unless I see something that I REALLY-REALLY want! And I'm really-really wanting something right now. :)

My girlfriend over at A Pocket Full of Buttons is celebrating the BIG 100 times two! She just blogged her 100th post AND she now has 100+ followers! CONGRATULATIONS STEPHANIE! To celebrate she is giving away a $30 gift certificate to her boutique, Sew Fierce. I would love to get my hands on the "Cross My Sweetheart" dress for me....I mean for Momo! ;)

Rules on how to enter are on her blog. No that I really want YOU to enter because that lessons MY chances of winning! *sigh* Okay....I'll play nice! The giveaway runs from May 6th -20th. Tell her Mama's a Mess sent you!


  1. Thanks for joining the giveaway girly! I know that dress I made for her birthday is still a little big so maybe one of the other outfits will fit better ;)

  2. Now if you really want to win should you be telling us all about the fun going on?!

  3. Katie, I know! I really want to keep it "my little secret". :) But I'm willing to help a girlfriend out and promote her business! Hopefully good karma will come my way!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!