Wednesday, June 24, 2009

100th Post!

THIS post...this VERY ONE that you are reading is my 100th!

Exactly five months and one day ago
I started "Mama's a Mess". While I had an idea of what direction I wanted to go with this blog I had no concept of the journey I was about to embark upon. I've made some mistakes and even have a regret or two but it has all been worth it. I have learned so much and can't wait to learn more! I have made so many wonderful friends that have been such an inspiration and have acted as my cheerleaders as I continued to find my place in the blogging world. And through my bibs and blankets project I have equally experienced the art of giving as well as the art of humility. I am so humbled by everyone's generosity. As ridiculous as this may sound I feel like I have become a better person since starting "Mama's a Mess!" Who would've thought that blogging could do such a thing?

I was really hoping to host my own giveaway once my 100th post rolled around but it came around a lot quicker than I expected! Now that I am within days of moving I will have to postpone that idea. But I promise to do a giveaway once we get settled into our new home!
Thank you to all of my cheerleaders, my followers and my friends for helping me to get this far!


  1. WAHOOOOOOO! Congrats on your 100th post!!

  2. Yeah! I am so glad to have gotten to know you and your family over these past few months! :-) Your blog is amazing and I wish you 1000 more posts!


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