Saturday, June 6, 2009

Etsy Giveaway!

As I said before, I don't want my blog to turn into a giveaway-frenzy-kind-of-blog so I only post about one if I see something that I REALLY REALLY want and am trying to increase my chance of winning by blogging about it. For this particular giveaway not only would I love to win but I know a lot of crafty mamas out there are Etsy lovers so I thought I would share this little find.

Sixteen Etsy shops have donated items for a bulk giveaway totaling $275 worth of goodies! There will be one winner and two runners up chosen by Click on the logo below to take you to the contest! A winner will be chosen on Monday, June 8th. There are already almost 700 entries, but hey! You never know! :)


  1. Sweet! Thanks for the heads up, i'm going over now :)

  2. Hope you are having a great weekend.

    I have a lovely blog award for you over at my blog, come on over and get it.

  3. *Steph - do I even need to say it? lol

    *Golfersmom - THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'll try to get around to posting it this week! :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment!