Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mommy Bracelet

Sorry I've been missing in action! I've been incredibly busy as I have less than a month before we move! I try to pop on when I can - but if you don't see me around as much that is why!

In the last couple of weeks I have taken my girls to Bisque n Beads - a paint-you-own-pottery and bead store. Seeing all the beads reminded me of two bracelets that I bought nearly six years ago. They were "Mommy and Me" bracelets - one for me and one for Kailani. Eventually the clasp broke off of mine and I never fixed it. While I've taken a couple of classes in beading I'm no guru with beads. I ended up putting it into a box and forgetting about it...until I went into the bead store.

On my last visit to the store I decided to buy what I needed to fix the bracelet. Funny how when I first bought the bracelet I thought it was the most amazing thing, but now that I know some of the basics to beading I found a lot of little "mistakes" and boy did it irk me. So I decided while fixing it I would also change it up a little.



I thought it was only right to add Momo's name to it. I wanted to do a double strand but I really like the big round beads and having two rows of it would be a bit much. It was only after I finished the bracelet that I realized I was missing a spacer bead between the "M" and the "O".


*Sigh* It'll do for now. Actually it'll do until I go back to the store to pick up our pottery! Then I'll pick out some more beads and make it the way I really want it!


  1. It's adorable! I like your version waaay better!

    Good luck with your move!

  2. I love that! The double name is so cool. I wish we had a store like that here.

    Hey! I told you our friends are moving in July. They are living on base (Hickum?) until they find a house. We are planning on visiting them once they are settled in their house - maybe this coming winter. If you are moving to Honolulu...we are so meeting for shave ice!

  3. Your bracelet is soo pretty! I love it. Believe it or not I use to work at a store and my job was to make all the mother's bracelets. I would make about thirty a day! I LOVED that job!

  4. Great job..and I didn't even notice the spacer bead was missing. Wanna make one for me ;) I really is great!

  5. *Jennifer - Thanks! I'd still like to change it up but I do think it's an improvement!

    *Kim - YES! Hickam AFB! You have to promise me you'll keep me posted! I know the BEST shave ice place (and other ono kine grindz!)

    *Christy - 30 a day?!? Holy smokes! I get all crazy-anal about colors, sizes, shape (much like I do with fabric) and it'll take me forever just to make one! You are my hero! :) (Do you still make them to sell?)

    *Steph - me if you really want one!

  6. I love your bracelet and yes it really does need to be a double strand now doesn't it:)

    I didn't even notice the spacer was missing until you pointed it out. Beading is one craft I'd love to get into but never seem to have the time to learn one more thing...


Thanks for taking the time to comment!