Thursday, June 25, 2009

From Stephanie, Amanda, Dawn and Stephanie....

As I mentioned before we spent a little over a week in Virginia saying our final goodbyes to family and friends. While there my BFF Stephanie loaded up my van with bags and bags of stuff to give to the Barium Springs Home for Children!

Then another friend of mine, Dawn, who I know from the Peninsula Mommies and a local baby wearing group gave me two blankets that she had made. These blankets are AMAZING. Just as amazing as the baby slings that she makes! (I am the proud owner of one of her slings! Okay, two? No actually three!)

From Dawn - Hampton, Virginia

Then, when I arrived home there were two packages waiting for me.....

Another one of my BFF's, Stephanie (yes, I have two BFF's named Stephanie!) from A Pocket Full of Buttons and Sew Fierce donated 12 bibs that she had made! YES! TWELVE! They are unbelievably soft and well made! How cute is the little pocket she puts on the front?

Bibs from Stephanie - San Diego, California

Thank you Stephanie! I knew I could count on you to send me something fabulous! :)

The second package came all the way from Hawaii! Amanda from Patchwork in Paradise sent three precious handmade receiving blankets! Amanda and I have been chatting online via the Honolulu Mommies and our blogs - we have yet to meet in person but I am so looking forward to it!

From Amanda - Ewa Beach, Hawaii

Thank you Amanda! I am so happy to have received something from my home state! See you (meet you) soon! :)

So what is next? The deadline has come and gone (although if you are nearby and want to still donate something you can!) I actually have a couple of bibs to finish up myself and will post a picture when I am done. Tomorrow (Friday) I am expecting a confirmation call of what day next week our movers are coming. Once I know the day I can schedule a time to drop off all the wonderful goodies to Barium Springs. I will keep everyone posted!

Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH to everyone that has helped out!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's wonderful you'll have a new blogging buddy to meet up with in Hawaii! How fun!
    I was totally confused at first when you mentioned Stephanie was there to load up your bags. I was like wait a sec I thought she was in CA. Then after reading further I got the aha moment:)
    Glad you got so many lovely treasures to donate.


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