Sunday, June 28, 2009


Shhhhh.....I really shouldn't be here....I've got so much to do!

But I wanted to pop in and say "hi!"

Yesterday I had my moving sale and did okay - but the heat drained me to pieces. It would've been nice if today could be a recovery day but nooooooo. My movers come TOMORROW! I've still got things to sort through, clothes to wash, things to pack, etc. etc. I'm trying to be as ready as I can be but I think that around midnight I will probably end up tossing whatever is left in a box and call it a night! I would just make it an all-nighter but since I woke up at 4:00 this morning and have been going-going-going rest is definitely in order!

Wish me luck! I'll be back somewhat regularly after my movers come and go!


  1. Yay the day is finally here, Hooray for the movers! Good luck sweetie, call me ;)

  2. I would love to follow!

    My link is:

    From- Mom Bloggers 100

    Thanks! ; )

  3. Hang in there!!! Hope all goes smoothly!

  4. Good luck, I know that moving can be stressful and draining! Hope everything goes smoothly.

  5. Oh the joys of moving. It's never fun...or stress-free.

    Hang in there! I'm keeping good thoughts for you all.


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