Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day! Here in the United States today is a holiday and many have the day off. If you are one of those lucky ones I hope you are enjoying your long weekend!

Yesterday we spent some time at the beach. It was really overcast and we had a few sprinkles but not enough to scare us away. While playing around in the water Kailani said, "Mom....I stepped on something and it was gushy." A few minutes later I noticed something floating by. I scooped it up with Momo's net and this is what it was:

Mysterious Creature

What exactly is it? I don't know! Some kids thought it was an octopus or a squid but I'm thinking more along the lines of an anemone or jellyfish (or a scary hybrid!) One of the kids (not mine!) picked it up and said he started to itch. I apologize for the terrible picture - unfortunately you can't see the iridescent "tentacles" and two of it's "legs" are tucked under. I think the little guy is on it's back in this picture.... Do YOU know what it is? I would love to know! :)

Besides finding the creepy creature we had a nice time. Hope you are enjoying your weekend as well!

Waikiki Beach on a cloudy day.


  1. I don't know about you, but I'm a little afraid by that mystery sea creature... ;-)

    I'm glad to hear you all are enjoying your Labor Day weekend!

  2. Happy Labor Day to you too! You are one brave mama to scoop up lochness sea creatures =)

  3. I'm thinking starfish on steroids. Or on toxic waste...

  4. what was that?! lol. im afraid of sea creatures, but my son and i love the beach so much!

    doing my round of commenting to followers :)


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