Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I SO want to SEW!

Look at this fabulous print! Does it look familiar? You may have seen the entire line of Orla Kiely decor at your local Target awhile back. I was lucky enough to find six brand new, tags still attached Orla Kiely placemats at my local Goodwill for $.99 a piece! Currently there are a couple of sellers on EBay trying to sell a set of four for $36.99! I totally scored!

The thing is I like the print so much that if I had a bolt of this fabric I would be making curtains, table cloths, seat covers, etc. with it! It's such a happy-happy-joy-joy kind of print! Lately I've been contemplating taking the placemats apart and making cute little summer shirts out of of them for my girls. Problem is I DON'T HAVE MY SEWING MACHINE!

Well, that's only half the truth.

My dad was kind enough to mail me my sewing machine (THANKS DAD!) but I had to take my dear Janome into the shop for a tune-up (and hopefully that is all!) The shop is about 1.5 weeks behind so it probably won't even be looked at for a couple more days. Meanwhile my girlfriend was kind enough to loan me her machine. I haven't even plugged it in yet as I am now reminded of just how much stuff I need to start sewing: scissors and/or rotary cutter; pins; bobbins; needles; measuring tape; iron; ironing board; etc. And I have NONE of these here with me. Sure...packed up in my boxes in N.C. I probably have two or three of everything but right here, right now, nothing! And you know how all those little things add up! *Sigh*

Not that I need another reason to want to sew but about two weeks ago I ordered some personalized sewing labels. My girlfriend recommended that I order from "Mommie Made It" on Etsy. I would love to be able to support another crafting mom so I did. She was able to make my label exactly (actually better) than I wanted!

Aren't they cute? The ones I bought are not pre-cut but Mommie Made It does have that option. If you're looking for sewing labels I would highly recommend checking out her site. The turnaround was quick and shipping was blazing fast! Can't wait to sew!


  1. What a cute pattern! I never even saw those at Target! Otherwise, I'd be on that boat! LOL!

  2. Those are adorable. And I love that pattern! I hope everything is alright with your sewing machine.

  3. OMG LOVE the tags!!!!!!! She does an awesome job :) And the fabric is to die for!!!

  4. Those are some really cute sewing labels! What a fun thing to add to your projects. I am so sorry to hear about your baby! (I mean your machine! LOL)

  5. Does this mean you are in the works of making some Happy Hapa creations we can buy? I hope! I love the tags...the font, pattern, colors!


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