Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Belated Mele Kalikimaka!

Mele Kalikimaka = Merry Christmas!
Gotta love the palm tree next to the Christmas tree!

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! This year we were truly blessed to be able to celebrate Christmas as a family. The last couple of years my husband was not with us due to deployments or us moving which made this year that much more special. Now if only my father and sister lived closer!

As I'm sure most of you experienced the week before Christmas was HECTIC! It was GO-GO and MORE GO for days! And just when I thought all the shopping was done my dear husband asks for me to pick up just a few more gifts for some of his office workers. Yeah. Like it's that easy...especially with two kids in tow! But we survived (barely). Now I am enjoying the quiet aftermath of all the craziness!

With all the errands we had to run I didn't have much crafting time but I did manage to make some reindeer dust/food for Kailani's classmates. I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about:

Here's the recipe that I used:

1 cup of uncooked oatmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup colored sugar

I had read somewhere to use the colored sugar instead of glitter - as glitter can be harmful to animals (personally - I think the glitter would've looked much better (and been much cheaper!)

I then attached a tag to the bag that said:

"Magic Reindeer Dust"
Sprinkle on the lawn at night
The moon will make it sparkle bright
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam
This will guide them to your home.

Kailani was super excited to take it to school. Some of her classmates asked, "Is this for real?" Kailani had no doubt that it was. Ahhh...the sweet, sweet innocence.

I also managed to whip up a drawstring bag for one of Kailani's friend's. I knew I had seen some Littlest Pet Shop fabric SOMEWHERE but of course when I was ready to buy some I couldn't find it anywhere! Of all places I found it at Walmart (our Walmart still carries fabric). Inside the bag were a couple of Littlest Pet Shop figures. The bag will be a great place to store them!

Currently I am working on a bag for Momo - a drawstring backpack with her all-time favorite character appliqued onto it. Can you guess who that character might be?

Hope your Christmas was merry!


  1. Nice post. I bet her class enjoyed the reindeer special mix.

  2. Merry Christmas! I love the LPS bag idea. What a great gift for a birthday too. I'll have to remember this.

  3. I can say as a fellow military spouse, it is nice to have them home for the holidays! Love the idea of the reindeer mix. I will have to try that with my neice next year!!! Stopping by from SITS!

  4. I love the reindeer mix idea! I remember making them way back when but it is nice to have the recipie! I hope y'all had a lovely Christmas! Stopping by from SITS, and I love your blog. I hope you are having a blessed Tuesday!
    xo, KA

  5. Visiting via SITS! Happy to "meet" you and hope you and your family have a great New Year's day and blessed New Year!

  6. Mele Kalikimaka!

    Thanks so much for swinging by my blog yesterday! I look forward to poking around yours a little too! Happy New Year! Glad you enjoyed the was a breathtaking morning ...that's for sure!

  7. Following from MBC

    Comments from SITS

    We make reindeer food and use bird seed, attach a bell and said "you had to sprinkle the seeds and ring the bell 3x"

  8. Although not any more cheap, hobby lobby or cake stores have edible glitter or shiny dust stuff! Mixing a tiny bit with sugar may help it sparkle a little bit more! Bird seed and cupcake sprinkle sugars are what I always read to put in it!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!