Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Whoopie Cushion

Santa brought a whoopie cushion.....

For more Wordless Wednesday click here.


  1. Hope you had a wonderful holiday and enjoy ringing in the new year! Have a great Wordless Wednesday!
    Hope you enjoy my potentially offensive yet absolutely hilarious WW this week!

  2. LOL!!!

    Happy New Year and thank you for visiting me on my special SITS Day!

  3. Prayer is my gift to your family wrapped with faith, given with hope and sent with love. May God bless you and your family. Happy New Year!

    Life's Tricky Situations
    Take a coffee break...

  4. Oh that is too cute!!! Her smile is so sweet. Whoopie cushions are so much fun :)

    Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

  5. Oh lord you have to be kidding me...lol, that is too funny!

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