Friday, December 11, 2009

Roll-Up Car Mat

Lake - House - Gas Station - Car Wash

I did it! I finally did it!

You may remember the take-along race track mat/carrier that I made awhile ago. Well, I wasn't too happy with it and really wanted to make the one that was featured on the Fiskars' website. Well, I finally finished it this morning. I am super stoked with the way it turned out - hopefully my sweet little nephew will like it as well!

Here it is all rolled up:

I have to admit - I did shed some tears with this one but it was my own fault. The last thing I had to do was iron out some wrinkles when my iron BURNED through the fabric! I was MORTIFIED. What to do? What to do? I could've left it and just said it was a pot hole. :) Thank my lucky stars I managed to find the perfect iron-on to cover it up! There are still a few little black sticky marks on the fabric that I wasn't able to get out but I'll live with it (it's hard, but I'll manage!) We can just pretend that it's dirt or asphalt. :)


Ahhh....that'll do.

By the way, my girlfriend Amanda made the "original" take along car carrier mat and was successful. I've seen it in person and it looks great! Take a look at hers here.


  1. O. M. G.!! That is so fantastic!! Wow he is going to be so excited when he unrolls that!

  2. That is just the cutest, cutest, cutest! Excellent work!

  3. OMG this is FAB-U-LOUS if your nephew doesn't love it, take it back and send it to me. I'll have hours of playing with it. Kidding...kind of☺ I do really love it, it's so sweet and detailed.

  4. Nice work! I think it will be a hit with the cars and trucks set :-) The only problem is everyone will want you to make their kid one!

  5. Do you have just a little more detailed instructions than the Fiskars website? Yours is WAY more adorable!!! Thanks!


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