Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Dear Tooth Fairy....

Enclosed in the envelope is her tooth.
Total count since September: FIVE teeth!

For more Wordless Wednesday click here.


  1. Oh I was going to say that if you didn't have a WI one I'd send one to you but you do already!!

    I'm back from a bloggin break. Catching up on everyone.

    Aren't those notes so adorable!!

    Question: How did you get the related post thing on your blog? I've been looking for something like that and for the life of me can't get anything I try to work.

  2. Great Wordless Wednesday! Hope you're having a wonderful Holiday season!

  3. So sweet! You'll have to play Kailani the, "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" song.

  4. That is so sweet! What thoughtful one you have.


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